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With both a mission of being family with those who have none and core values founded on the importance of human relationships, as well as an active goal of building a sense of community at our sites, Bethesda Project is challenged in new ways to fulfill our mission with the spread of COVID-19 locally and globally. We remain committed to serving those experiencing homelessness in our community and continuing our critical operations at our 14 sites. And like other essential social service providers, we have put precautionary and responsive measures in place to protect the health and safety of our staff, guests, residents, and volunteers. Social distancing, cancelling gatherings, self-isolating, and suspending volunteer activities all seem counter to our mission and service philosophy, although we know these steps are necessary.

While we adapt to these best practices and work as an organization to do our part in preventing the spread of the virus, it seems we are also learning important life lessons from our guests and residents, as well as our supporters. Our family members demonstrate tremendous resiliency and faith in times of uncertainty like these – living day by day, remembering they’ve seen and survived difficult times before and trusting in their ability to adapt and persevere. Our loyal supporters are reaching out to ask how to help – thinking beyond themselves and about those with the greatest needs. Many of you have sent financial contributions to aid with purchasing needed supplies, arranged for meal deliveries, shared cleaning products, and expressed your concern for the guests and residents with whom you have built relationships.
We know that things will likely get more difficult before they improve. Please keep those we serve – and the dedicated staff of Bethesda Project – in your thoughts and continue to support our critical work in ways that you are able. Despite our inability to connect in person, we are grateful to have such a large extended family to lean on while faced with such significant challenges.
With appreciation,


Tina Pagotto,CEO